Ngā Rākau Taketake
In 2018 and 2019 the Government announced an extra $34.5 million funding for research into kauri dieback ($29.5m) and myrtle rust ($5m). They chose the BioHeritage National Science Challenge to administer this extra support because of our collaborative and inclusive approach to achieving research outcomes and impact.
The programme name Ngā Rākau Taketake reflects the historical connections Māori and other New Zealanders have with our kauri and myrtaceae trees. ‘Taketake’ refers to the permanence of that relationship. This programme aims to protect and restore this relationship and connection.
Dr Beccy Ganley and Dr Nick Waipara (both Plant & Food Research) are leading the implementation of Ngā Rākau Taketake, along with BioHeritage Co-Directors Daniel Patrick and Melanie Mark-Shadbolt. Nick is heavily involved with New Zealand’s kauri dieback response, while Beccy has extensive experience working in forest ecosystems, both commercial plantation and native.
As part of our 2019 scoping process, a Ngā Rākau Taketake scoping group scanned the research landscape to identify where the research and impact needed to be made in the myrtle rust and kauri dieback spaces.
They came up with seven themes of research, all working towards the ‘guiding star’ of: The mauri (life force) of the kauri and of our native myrtle species are safeguarded, sustained and enhanced for our tamariki and mokopuna.
If you would like to read their full scoping report, please click below.

Our Ngā Rākau Taketake Programmes
Te Whakahononga
Control, Protect, Cure
Host, Pathogen & Environment
Risk Assessment & Ecosystem Impacts
Conservation & Restoration
Integrated Surveillance
Mobilising for Action
Oranga (Wellbeing)
Along with our own research investments, we are working with those who already have much experience in these fields, including: