Contact Us

Please contact us if you have any queries about the BioHeritage Challenge, want more information or need to contact one of the people who work with us.

Tomas Sobek - Unsplash

How can we help?

For general enquiries please contact: BioHeritage Support Team

"*" indicates required fields

  • Media enquiries

    For media enquiries and interview requests please contact:
    BioHeritage Communications Team

    03 321 9624 or 027 310 0751

  • Postal address

    New Zealand’s Biological Heritage National Science Challenge
    ℅ Landcare Research Manaaki Whenua
    PO Box 69040, Lincoln, 7640

Our location

Our head office is located within the campus of our host, Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research at 74 Gerald Street, Lincoln 7608.

All visitors must report to the main reception.

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