Our Partners

Our Challenge Parties
The 18 Challenge Parties include all eight of Aotearoa New Zealand’s universities and seven Crown Research Institutes.
They are instrumental in supporting and promoting BioHeritage, working with us to foster collaboration and to share research effort to create impact in our three areas: Whakamana/Empower, Tiaki/Protect, Whakahou/Restore.
We take an innovation system approach to working with the Challenge Parties. This entails sharing resources, knowledge and funding to create national-scale impacts and benefits for Aotearoa New Zealand. You can read about our full strategy here.
Challenge Parties and Representatives
AgResearch: Dr Marie Bradley
Auckland University of Technology: Catherine Redmond
Cawthron Institute: Dr Roger Young
Department of Conservation: Dr Clement Lagrue
ESR: Wim Nijhof
GNS Science: Greg Holland
Lincoln University: Prof Grant Edwards (co-chair)
Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research: Dr Fiona Carswell
Massey University: Dr Simon Hills
Ministry for Primary Industries: Megan Verry
NIWA: Dr Rob Murdoch
University of Otago: Dr Rita Pryzbilski
Plant & Food Research: Mark Piper (co-chair)
Scion: Dr Tara Strand
Te Herenaga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington: Dr Jared Scarlett
University of Auckland: Prof Jim Metson and Anne Casey
University of Canterbury: Prof Ian Wright
University of Waikato: Prof Bryony James
Flagship Sites
Flagship Site partnerships are a way to help achieve a fundamental shift in the way we conduct science and research activities in New Zealand. In particular, we believe that transformational environmental change can only be achieved through partnerships with Māori, community, industry and the private sector.
These sites reflect our values around:
- Iwi, community, philanthropy, government and sector engagement.
- High-level collaboration and shared funding.
- Aspirations to tackle top-priority pest threats, and enable native animals and plants to flourish.
- Activities spanning both conservation and the primary sector.
- Recognition of the role of Māori as leaders, governors and kaitiaki in innovative regional-scale restoration, and national profile.
- Supporting research that aligns strongly with the BioHeritage Strategy.
International Partnerships
We focus on building high-impact, enduring international partnerships as a way of leveraging international expertise and developing global networks for Aotearoa researchers.
We have an International Science Advisory Panel who periodically review and inform our work from an international perspective. This approach has resulted in new collaborations and opportunities that have the potential to increase research impact in our investment areas.