1. What are scoping groups? Our scoping groups are made up of 8-10 people who represent a range of relevant research expertise, aligned disciplines and knowledge systems (as much as practicable). We’ve chosen people who have a variety of backgrounds and work experience, but they bring their own skills and views and don’t represent the […]
Giving our fledglings a voice
An Early Career Scoping Group (ECSG) has been created to enable BioHeritage associates to develop their skills and empower their voices in Tranche 2.
Read our monthly eNewsletter
Signing up to our monthly eNewsletter is the perfect way to stay up-to-date with Challenge happenings – click the links below to view past issues. The BioHeritage eNewsletter comes out monthly and provides a snapshot of work being done by our Challenge Parties toward achieving big impacts for Aotearoa’s environment. It also provides information on […]
Partnering to bring nature back to our cities
Find out how urban environments hold a huge, untapped opportunity for restoring our native biodiversity.
Predator Free New Zealand – are we dreaming?
To achieve a predator-Free New Zealand, we need to prepare for future scenarios now.
Sharing environmental DNA across New Zealand
The Environmental DNA (eDNA) Hub had its first public road test in May 2019.
Cutting-edge technology to help mahinga kai species
A complete ‘platinum-standard’ reference genome could help the conservation, commercial and customary harvest of a treasured mahinga kai species.
Strategy update: June 2019
Read the latest update about how we’re progressing our Tranche 2 strategy.
A Restoration Ambassador for rural New Zealand
Farmers will soon have access to free, independent advice about how to conserve native biodiversity on their land.
State of biodiversity in NZ
BioHeritage Director Dr Andrea Byrom responds to the NZ Herald about the state of our environment.
Crazy & Ambitous 2 symposium
Almost 300 people attended Crazy & Ambitious 2 in May 2019, enjoying a dynamic mix of discussions.
Why we can’t cut corners with reforestation
Reforestation must be done step-by-step, from the ground up.