Category: News

Ngā Pī Ka Rere spotlight: Tracey Godfery, a facilitator for change

Ngā Pī Ka Rere spotlight: Tracey Godfery, a facilitator for change Tracey Godfery

Tracey Godfery (Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Tūwharetoa, Ngāi Tūhoe, Ngāti Hikairo, Ngāti Maru) is a PhD student at the University of Auckland supported by BioHeritage programmes Risk Assessment & Ecosystem Impacts and He Tangata, He Taiao, He Ōhanga: a values-based biosecurity risk assessment framework for Aotearoa. She’ll be facilitating a biosecurity decision making framework that addresses both cultural and scientific complexity.

Uncovering pests in Te Aitanga Pepeke

Uncovering pests in Te Aitanga Pepeke Te Aitanga

What insights can whakataukī offer us into the nature of insect pests and pest control in Aotearoa? A team of Māori academics delved into te ao Māori with “pestiness” on their minds. BioHeritage writer Kerry Donovan Brown spoke to Hōhā Riha: Pest Insect Control in Māori Tradition co-author Alan King-Hunt, discussing some of the team’s discoveries, including a surprising defender of historic kūmara plantations . . .

Tāpui Aotearoa: building resilient partnerships for resilient populations

Tāpui Aotearoa: building resilient partnerships for resilient populations NZ natives

Internationally, cryobanking is becoming an important part of conservation programmes. BioHeritage joined three other funders to support a two-year proof-of-concept project to investigate what cryobanking would look like in Aotearoa. Here is the progress that Tāpui Aotearoa (a charitable company established by the NEXT foundation) has made so far.

Ngā Pī Ka Rere spotlight: Natalie Jones brings volunteer perspectives to new tech for wasp control

Ngā Pī Ka Rere spotlight: Natalie Jones brings volunteer perspectives to new tech for wasp control Natalie Jones

Natalie Jones (Ngā Wairiki Ngāti Apa) is a Master’s student within the Novel Tools & Strategies – Invertebrates programme. She has leveraged her unique background in managing conservation volunteers to provide insight into the perspectives people have about new controls for pest wasps in Aotearoa.

The very best classroom: Practice and language revitalisation through land-based teaching

The very best classroom: Practice and language revitalisation through land-based teaching Practice And Language Revitalisation

In September 2022, an intergenerational team of Māori researchers and innovators undertook the trip of a lifetime, travelling deep into the Northwest Territories of Canada for a two-week cultural exchange programme.

Ngā Rākau Taketake science stocktakes have been updated for the new year

Ngā Rākau Taketake science stocktakes have been updated for the new year Hippo

Ngā Rākau Taketake is one of several groups who contribute to the growing body of knowledge around myrtle and kauri ora. As a way to keep track of all the excellent mahi in these spaces, we have updated our myrtle rust and kauri dieback stocktakes. Enjoy!

New Zealand influential in the global Phytophthora research space

New Zealand influential in the global Phytophthora research space P. agathidicida

The 10th meeting of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) – Phytophthora Working Party was held in June this year at the University of California, Berkeley. Meetings like these are a good reminder of the damage caused by species in the Phytophthora genus and of New Zealand’s role in the global effort being made to combat Phytophthora-caused diseases.

Ngā Pī Ka Rere spotlight: What will Jaynie Yang do next?

Ngā Pī Ka Rere spotlight: What will Jaynie Yang do next? Jaynie Yang

Meet Ngā Rākau Taketake student Jaynie Yang. She handed in her Master’s in September and is excited to join the workforce, hopefully in a biosecurity capacity. But first, she is collecting data from soil cores to learn more about root production rates in kauri.

New BioHeritage project: A horizon scan for weeds in Aotearoa

New BioHeritage project: A horizon scan for weeds in Aotearoa Wilding conifers

Controlling invasive species is an important part of biodiversity and conservation work here in Aotearoa New Zealand. While our focus in the past has been on invasive mammals and invertebrates, BioHeritage is funding a new project that will give researchers a head start on future weed invasions.

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