Ca3 Welcome

From May 24 – 27 around 300 people attended Crazy & Ambitious 3. Every day was abundant with expertise, inspiration, and state-of-the-art biosecurity practises.

We heard from over seventy kaikōrero (speakers) across the week. Of particular note were the keynote speakers – Aroha Mead, Daniel Hikuroa, Graeme Marshall, Jessi Morgan, Haami Piripi, Jack Craw and Catherine Febria. A huge thanks to them for their insights, time and kōrero. To view their speaker profiles follow this link

This year the conference moved entirely to a virtual platform, offering delegates across Aotearoa the means to attend whatever their Covid-19 concerns. This move presented its own set of challenges, but thanks to The Conference Company’s support service, and our tech-savvy delegates and kaikōrero, the event ran smoothly.  

Among the kaikōrero were co-leads of Ngā Pī Ka Rere (BioHeritage’s early career group) Aisling Rayne and Symon Palmer (Ngāi Te Rangi). Presenting on Tuesday and Wednesday, both Aisling and Symon also moderated sessions throughout the week. 

Aisling offered her congratulations to the event organisers. “CA3 did an excellent job of highlighting the partnerships, interdisciplinarity, and diverse knowledge systems that underpin the BioHeritage National Science Challenge,” she said. “From a Ngā Pī Ka Rere perspective, it was especially heartening to see strong early career representation in the presentations and as session chairs.” 

Symon agreed, adding that CA3 builds on strengthening standards of inclusivity. “What felt special about CA3 was the range of parties presenting, from CRIs (Crown Research Institutes) and industry to community representatives. The whole system approach is what really makes the BioHeritage Challenge unique.” 

Ca3 Word Bubbles
The iwi and hapū (left) and organisations (right) that were represented by Crazy & Ambitious 3 participants. The size of the word represents the relative number of people who attended. It was great to see so many students!

A unifying note through many of the presentations was the richness offered by the integration of conventional science methodologies with mātauranga Māori (both traditional and newly innovated). Kaikōrero Tama Blackburn (Ngāti Maniapoto) highlighted the opportunities afforded to us when we reenergise tikanga Māori. Tama asked “Is there existing mātauranga in te ao Māori?” inviting Aotearoa to uncover and utilise indigenous strategies recorded in waiata, carving, and in te taiao (the environment) itself.  

Congratulations to our prize winners

A thread running across the four days of CA3 was the competition for prizes. For each activity registrants completed they collected points, and when they reached a certain number of points they went into the draw to win a prize. The more points they earned, the better the prizes became!

We had over $2,000 of prizes up for grabs, mostly thanks to our generous sponsors (scroll down to check them out). Forty people won items ranging from drink bottles, beanies and posters to merino clothing packs and bird feeders. Zealandia, Orokonui Ecosanctuary and the National Kiwi Hatchery kindly donated family passes which were gratefully received by their winners.

Nobody was more excited than Maisie Hamilton Murray, who took out the grand prize of flights and accommodation to Rakiura Stewart Island. Maisie said the opportunity was amazing.

“Thank you so much!! I have wanted to visit Rakiura for years but have never been, so this is very, very exciting!”

The University of Auckland Master’s student is planning on taking the trip this summer.

A huge thanks to our conference sponsors


And thanks to our prize sponsors


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