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Helping New Zealanders protect our precious environment.
Ki te whakamana tātau o Aotearoa whānui, ki te manaaki tō tātau taiao.

He Mātai Rangi And Komene With Matamoe

He Mātai i te Taiao

The perpetual examination of the environment
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Te Whakahononga

In an unprecedented effort to save some of the most immense lifeforms on the planet, the Te Whakahononga programme is fostering a multi-disciplinary collaboration which…
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Mobilising for Action

Focusing on the human dimensions of forest health management, specifically kauri dieback and myrtle rust.
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Oranga (Wellbeing)

Mātauranga Māori based solutions for kauri dieback and myrtle rust.
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Shining a Light on New Zealand’s Moths

New Zealand has almost 2,000 moth species and students now have the resources to find out a whole lot more about them.
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The Groundwater Biodiversity Project

The unsung heroes of our groundwater system – bacteria that remove contaminants and tiny invertebrates that keep the bacteria in balance – are helping researchers…
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Aroha Mead 2 Edited

Empowering Kaitiakitanga & Environmental Stewardship

We're striving to empower New Zealanders to demand and enact environmental stewardship and kaitiakitanga (guardianship).
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eDNA For Environmental Monitoring

In a New Zealand first, researchers have developed a nationwide database to integrate and share eDNA data to allow biological diversity across our diverse landscapes…
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Mātauranga Māori For Biological Heritage

Kaumātua- (elder) led research that puts Māori methods and mātauranga (knowledge) first is a key part of restoring Aotearoa New Zealand’s land and freshwater ecosystems.
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Adaptive Evolution of Native Biota

Researchers are collecting DNA information from some of Aotearoa New Zealand’s most threatened species in an effort to make them more resilient to future environmental…
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Team Pic For Website


People in Aotearoa New Zealand value their unique natural environments, but national and regional reporting shows that our ecosystems and native biodiversity are degraded and…
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