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Contributing to a world-class biosecurity system
Ka whakawhānake tō tātau pūnaha tiaki koiora ki te Ao

Control, Protect, Cure

This investment will incorporate research from across Ngā Rākau Taketake, with an emphasis on novel tools and approaches. 
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Risk Assessment & Ecosystem Impacts

Developing standardised measures to quantify the impact both kauri dieback and myrtle rust are having on the wider ecosystem.
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Integrated Surveillance

A hapū-centric surveillance framework that focuses on the holistic health of the forest.
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Developing Possum-specific Poisons

This project has possums in its sights, with researchers using genome mining to develop poisons that will exclusively target this small mammalian predator on a…
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Bioethics Panel

To achieve the vision of Predator Free New Zealand 2050, researchers need to develop novel tools and technologies for cost-effective, landscape-scale control, eradication and surveillance…
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Novel Tools and Strategies

Novel tools, technologies and strategies need to be deployed to eradicate biotic threats.
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State-of-the-art Surveillance

Automation can improve biosecurity surveillance systems
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He Tangata, He Taiao, He Ōhanga

A values-based biosecurity risk assessment framework for Aotearoa.
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Combating Pathogen Risk Using Genomics

To protect our native and production ecosystems from the invasion of new pathogens, rapid assessments of the potential impact of identified and unidentified pathogens are…
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Stopping Kauri Dieback in its Tracks

Selected native plant extracts may be able to attract and kill the spores of Phytophthora agathidicida – the pathogen causing kauri dieback, according to researchers.
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Mobile Apps to Keep New Zealand Safe

Mobile technologies are being developed to help New Zealanders report suspected biosecurity threats, with the first step being a bilingual app that helps identify myrtle…
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Taking the Sting out of the Common Wasp

Large-scale eradication may be in store for the humble wasp – a species responsible for one of the worst pest problems in Aotearoa.
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