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Community type and disturbance type interact to determine disturbance response: implications for extending the environmental filter metaphor

Author(s): Barrett, Isabelle C. McIntosh, Angus R. Warburton, Helen J.

Ecological disturbances act as environmental filters by removing species with particular characteristics, resulting in community types associated with different disturbance histories. However, studies to date on community responses to disturbance have neglected the potential for different community assemblages to display different responses. Using lotic invertebrate communities as a study system, this study investigated the influence of community composition on disturbance response. We undertook a 26-h stream channel experiment to test how distinct invertebrate community types (an undisturbed spring community, flood-disturbed community, and agriculture-disturbed community), shaped by specific disturbance histories and characterised by different species with particular functional groups, responded to additional disturbance of varying types and combinations (an undisturbed control, high-flow, nutrients, sediment, and a combined sediment and nutrients treatment). Invertebrate drift was used as a diagnostic tool to assess community responses.resi

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