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When the Crown controls mātauranga

June 2023


It’s been 11 years since the release of Ko Aotearoa Tēnei – a Waitangi Tribunal report into the Wai 262 claim concerning laws and policies that adversely affected Māori culture and identity. The Tribunal noted that “every Crown agency that appeared in our inquiry, and most of those that did not, deals with mātauranga to some extent.”

More than a decade later we revisit the Crown’s policies on mātauranga to ask: Is there now an overarching policy? If not, why not? Is the ‘principled partnership approach’ the Tribunal suggested the best way forward?

In May 2021 we sent six questions to the Chief Executives of the 32 government agencies (as listed on the Public Service Commission website).

These inquired about their policies, legislation, funding, administration, measurement of, and overall contribution to, mātauranga. Ultimately 84% of the departments responded, with three additional agencies included in responses. Click the link above to join us and find out more about this recently published report: “When the Crown controls mātauranga”.


You can also read the full report by clicking here.

Or read the one page summary by clicking here.

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