He Tangata, He Taiao, He Ōhanga

A values-based biosecurity risk assessment framework for Aotearoa.

This research is Active

Overview Te Tirohanga Whānui

Aotearoa is home to incredibly valuable production and indigenous landscapes. To protect them we must anticipate, and have the tools to prevent, future biosecurity threats.

Those involved in our biosecurity system need to be able to identify and prioritise the biggest risks to the sector for which they are responsible, so they can make the most of the limited funds and resources they have.

This investment team is working to ensure system participants (and particularly mana whenua) are able to be actively engaged in the identification and prioritisation of biosecurity risks.

They aim to incorporate information from a holistic set of values into a biosecurity risk assessment framework. These values include those of kaitiakitanga, manaakitanga, whakapapa, whanaungatanga and tikanga Māori.

The framework will be dynamic and adaptable to work at national, regional and local scales, and account for changes in biosecurity risk to NZ through external influences such as climate, trade and tourism.

Research Area Summary Te Whakarāpopototanga Kaupapa

1. Participation

This workstream is prioritising authentic partnership with mana whenua and key participants in the New Zealand biosecurity system. To build a world-class framework, we need those who have valuable knowledge to be empowered in their space, and be active in identifying and prioritising existing, emerging, latent and recurring risks.

2. Values

The current biosecurity framework over-emphasises economic values and impact. This workstream is aiming to break down the traditional model and rebuild, prioritising Māori values within the context of environmental, economic, social and cultural values.

So4 Risk Assessment Framework
Potential components of a risk assessment framework

3. Impact

There’s no point designing the “perfect” biosecurity system if it doesn’t operate in, and respond quickly to, real-life scenarios. Work in this project is aiming to ensure the biosecurity risk assessment framework is designed to be dynamic and adaptable, integrated into existing regulatory processes or guidelines and local decision-making.

Highlights Ngā Mahi Whakahirahira

    • Carry out a gap analysis to identify existing information knowledge systems, frameworks, networks and research.

    • In co-operation with other parts of the BioHeritage Challenge we will build engagement networks across the biosecurity system. This will involve activities such as focus groups, hui, workshops, and interviews based on case studies relevant to participant values.

    • A needs analysis will identify where/if training in basic biosecurity concepts may be needed, and these will be developed and implemented as part of the ongoing participation work through 2021-2024.

    • Design research activities according to priorities identified in the gap analysis, covering environmental, social, cultural and economic values and Māori values of kaitiakitanga, manaakitanga, whakapapa, whanaungatanga, and tikanga Māori.

    • Collaborate with other BioHeritage investments, particularly those under the Tiaki/Protect impact.

    • Design new approaches to convey and exchange biosecurity information.

    • Frequently reassess biosecurity priorities based on the latest knowledge of global threats, emerging national issues and changes in values or environmental conditions.

    • Evaluate and monitor all activities to critically reflect and learn.

Co-leads Ngā kaiārahi ngātahi

Christine Reed 1

Christine Reed

John Kean 2018

John Kean

AgResearch, Better Border Biosecurity (B3)

Team Members Ngā kaimahi

  • Alby Marsh – Ngāti Ranginui, Ngai Te Rangi, Ngā Puhi, Ngāti Hine, Te Rarawa; Plant and Food Research

Resource Outputs from this project


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Approaches for estimating benefits and costs of interventions in plant biosecurity across invasion phases

Nonnative plant pests cause billions of dollars in damages. It is critical to prevent or reduce these losses by intervening at various stages of the…
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A matter of trust: perceptions of the value of risk assessment

September 2022 – There are dozens of published pest risk assessments and pest risk assessment frameworks, but only a fraction of those published are actually…
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