Joanne Clapcott
Cawthron Institute
Our teams are aiming to quantify social-ecological linkages for use in managing, protecting and restoring land and water ecosystems.
Many thousands of New Zealanders put in time and effort to reverse the decline in our biological heritage, but they often face challenges in connecting with one another and scaling up their effort. They also might have to overcome economic, legislative, and organisational barriers to create more sustainable and culturally appropriate environmental stewardship.
This investment team aims to build social and ecological resilience by restoring connections between people and nature, while understanding and valuing those connections in a non-market way. We seek to work with communities to develop tools and approaches that reflect their unique needs and contexts, and ultimately support their efforts to scale-up for impact.
Check out our exciting new brochure and learn more about Pathways to Ecosystem Regeneration. Click to download the PDF and share with your community!