Biosecurity - Control

Once pests have become established, how can we best control or eradicate them?


Collective action to eradicate rats and mustelids from a large, peopled landscape: A social-ecological approach

The control or eradication of introduced mammalian predators is one of the most urgent tasks for conserving native wildlife in Aotearoa New Zealand  Predator Free…
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Elevating and Recognising Knowledge of Indigenous Peoples to Improve Forest Biosecurity

Current forest biosecurity systems and processes employed in many countries are, in large, constructs of Western principles, values and science knowledge that have been introduced…
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What We Do in Kauri Forests: Exploring the Affective Worlds of ‘High Risk’ Users of Vulnerable Forest Areas in Aotearoa | New Zealand

Public use and anthropogenic activity are recognised sources of damage and threat to vulnerable forest areas in New Zealand, but also globally, through the spread…
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Positioning Research to Improve Tree-Biosecurity Relations

Management of biosecurity threats to forests and indigenous trees needs to address the legacy of colonising practices that have prohibited diverse knowledges from being included.…
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Understanding divergent perspectives on introduced trout in Aotearoa: a relational values approach

To make coherent and just choices about introduced species management in postcolonial contexts such as Aotearoa, a nuanced understanding of human relationships to introduced species…
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Population recovery of alien black rats Rattus rattus: A test of reinvasion theory

Reinvasion of pest animals after incomplete control is a major challenge for invasive species management, yet little is known about the behavioural and demographic categories…
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Scale and complexity implications of making New Zealand predator-free by 2050

The goal to make New Zealand predator-free by 2050 has drawn strong praise and criticism, but these critiques have focused largely on economic or technological…
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Can immune gene silencing via dsRNA feeding promote pathogenic viruses to control the globally invasive Argentine ant?

Pest control methods that can target pest species with limited environmental impacts are a conservation and economic priority. Species-specific pest control using RNA interference is…
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Gene silencing for invasive paper wasp management: Synthesized dsRNA can modify gene expression but did not affect mortality

Invasive paper wasps such as Polistes dominula are a major pest and problem for biodiversity around the globe. Safe and highly targeted methods for the control of…
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Gene drive and RNAi technologies: a bio-cultural review of next-generation tools for pest wasp management in New Zealand

There is a global need for novel, next-generation technologies and techniques to manage pest species. We review work on potential step-changing technologies for large landscape…
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Hōhā Riha: Pest Insect Control in Māori Tradition. Waka Kuaka

Ongoing Māori connections to natural environments mean that tangata whenua ‘people of the land’ and mātauranga Māori ‘Māori knowledge’ must be key to identifying, designing…
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Viral communities in the parasite Varroa destructor and in colonies of their honey bee host (Apis mellifera) in New Zealand

The parasitic mite Varroa destructor is a leading cause of mortality for Western honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies around the globe. We sought to confirm the presence…
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