Biosecurity - Prevention

Research focussed on keeping potentially destructive species out of Aotearoa.


Protecting the unseen majority: Land cover and environmental factors linked with soil bacterial communities and functions in New Zealand

The biodiversity in soil ecosystems is simultaneously incredibly rich and poorly described. In countries such as New Zealand, where high endemism in plant species emerged…
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Phytophthora agathidicida: research progress, cultural perspectives and knowledge gaps in the control and management of kauri dieback in New Zealand

Kauri (Agathis australis), which is one of the world’s largest and longest-living conifer species, is under threat from a root and collar dieback disease caused…
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Elevating and Recognising Knowledge of Indigenous Peoples to Improve Forest Biosecurity

Current forest biosecurity systems and processes employed in many countries are, in large, constructs of Western principles, values and science knowledge that have been introduced…
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Healing Fragmentation of Forest Biosecurity Networks: A Conceptual and Reflexive Mapping Analysis of Postcolonial Relations that Matter in Aotearoa|New Zealand and Cymru|Wales

Scientific biosecurity has become an important approach for managing the threats to Kauri trees and plant management in Aotearoa|New Zealand and Cymru|Wales, more generally. However,…
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What We Do in Kauri Forests: Exploring the Affective Worlds of ‘High Risk’ Users of Vulnerable Forest Areas in Aotearoa | New Zealand

Public use and anthropogenic activity are recognised sources of damage and threat to vulnerable forest areas in New Zealand, but also globally, through the spread…
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Pro-Environmental Behaviour in Relation to Kauri Dieback: When Place Attachment Is Not Enough

The iconic kauri tree of Aotearoa New Zealand is under increasing threat due to the plant disease kauri dieback, with human activity believed to be…
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Positioning Research to Improve Tree-Biosecurity Relations

Management of biosecurity threats to forests and indigenous trees needs to address the legacy of colonising practices that have prohibited diverse knowledges from being included.…
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Understanding divergent perspectives on introduced trout in Aotearoa: a relational values approach

To make coherent and just choices about introduced species management in postcolonial contexts such as Aotearoa, a nuanced understanding of human relationships to introduced species…
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Population recovery of alien black rats Rattus rattus: A test of reinvasion theory

Reinvasion of pest animals after incomplete control is a major challenge for invasive species management, yet little is known about the behavioural and demographic categories…
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Ecological State Assessment Tool (ESAT): a cross-cultural natural resource management tool from Aotearoa, New Zealand

A cross-cultural approach to conservation and natural resource management will enable resource managers to access the full potential of dual knowledge epistemologies and facilitate genuine…
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State-Of-The-Art Surveillance webinar

December 2021 – Surveillance is an essential part of protecting New Zealand’s economic assets and natural taonga from damaging exotic organisms. To strengthen our biosecurity system,…
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A matter of trust: perceptions of the value of risk assessment

September 2022 – There are dozens of published pest risk assessments and pest risk assessment frameworks, but only a fraction of those published are actually…
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