
Taking a holistic look at environmental research.


Collective approaches to ecosystem regeneration in Aotearoa New Zealand

There is a growing interest in scaling community-led ecosystem regeneration initiatives to extend, replicate, or coordinate activities across space, and expand or deepen the scope…
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Collective action to eradicate rats and mustelids from a large, peopled landscape: A social-ecological approach

The control or eradication of introduced mammalian predators is one of the most urgent tasks for conserving native wildlife in Aotearoa New Zealand  Predator Free…
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Myrtle rust in mānuka concerns researchers

The invasive myrtle rust disease that has threatened to lay waste to populations of native pohutukawa and ramarama has now been found in the seeds…
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Protecting the unseen majority: Land cover and environmental factors linked with soil bacterial communities and functions in New Zealand

The biodiversity in soil ecosystems is simultaneously incredibly rich and poorly described. In countries such as New Zealand, where high endemism in plant species emerged…
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Upscaling restoration of native biodiversity: A New Zealand perspective

Efforts are being made to upscale restoration of New Zealand’s native ecosystems. Success depends, however, on consideration of several key issues that need to be…
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Community type and disturbance type interact to determine disturbance response: implications for extending the environmental filter metaphor

Ecological disturbances act as environmental filters by removing species with particular characteristics, resulting in community types associated with different disturbance histories. However, studies to date…
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Is provenance or phylogeny a better predictor of growth and survival of a soil pathogen in leaf litter?

Exotic plants have the potential to increase pathogen inoculum that can affect native plants. New Zealand’s iconic kauri tree (Agathis australis) is threatened by disease…
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New Zealand endemic Neomyrtus is sister to New Caledonian endemic Myrtastrum (Myrtaceae, Myrteae)

Neomyrtus is a New Zealand endemic monotypic genus that has been assigned to the Myrtaceae tribe Myrteae. Previous phylogenetic studies have placed the single species…
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Ecological importance of the Myrtaceae in New Zealand’s natural forests

The Myrtaceae is a woody family that plays an important role in forest ecosystems globally. The recent spread of myrtle rust, caused by a fungal…
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Sexual and asexual propagation of Syzygium maire, a critically endangered Myrtaceae species of New Zealand

Syzygium maire (swamp maire) is an endemic New Zealand Myrtaceae tree species. Current threats to this species include habitat destruction, myrtle rust, declining remnant populations…
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Resistance of New Zealand Provenance Leptospermum scoparium, Kunzea robusta, Kunzea linearis, and Metrosideros excelsa to Austropuccinia psidii

Resistance to the pandemic strain of Austropuccinia psidii was identified in New Zealand provenance Leptospermum scoparium, Kunzea robusta, and K. linearis plants. Only 1 Metrosideros…
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Plant-pathogen management in a native forest ecosystem

Forest ecosystems all over the world are facing a growing threat from plant disease outbreaks. As pollution, climate change, and global pathogen movement intensify, so…
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