
Taking a holistic look at environmental research.


Towards a framework for targeting national-scale, native revegetation in Aotearoa New Zealand’s agroecosystems.

The incorporation of native, woody vegetation into New Zealand’s agricultural ecosystems offers a “nature-based solution” approach for mitigating poor environmental outcomes of land use practices,…
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A demographic model to support customary management of a culturally important waterfowl species

Scientific support invited by Indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLC) to assist with customary environmental management can improve conservation and community livelihoods. For example, demographic…
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Potential for cascading impacts of environmental change and policy on indigenous culture

Global environmental and societal changes threaten the cultures of indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLC). Despite the importance of IPLC worldviews and knowledge to sustaining…
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Understanding divergent perspectives on introduced trout in Aotearoa: a relational values approach

To make coherent and just choices about introduced species management in postcolonial contexts such as Aotearoa, a nuanced understanding of human relationships to introduced species…
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Public willingness to engage in backyard conservation in New Zealand: Exploring motivations and barriers for participation

Citizen science and participatory conservation offer benefits to urban wildlife and help foster human–nature relationships in cities. To optimize conservation and social outcomes it is…
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Scientists’ Warning to Humanity on Threats to Indigenous and Local Knowledge Systems

The knowledge systems and practices of Indigenous Peoples and local communities play critical roles in safeguarding the biological and cultural diversity of our planet. Globalization,…
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Population recovery of alien black rats Rattus rattus: A test of reinvasion theory

Reinvasion of pest animals after incomplete control is a major challenge for invasive species management, yet little is known about the behavioural and demographic categories…
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Ecological State Assessment Tool (ESAT): a cross-cultural natural resource management tool from Aotearoa, New Zealand

A cross-cultural approach to conservation and natural resource management will enable resource managers to access the full potential of dual knowledge epistemologies and facilitate genuine…
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Characterising uncertainty in risk assessments for biological control: using case studies from New Zealand to inform future research

Areas of uncertainty in the assessment of risks and benefits in applications for new biological control agents submitted to the regulator for proposed introduction into…
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The impact of remote sensing on monitoring and reporting – The case of conformance systems

The rapid development of remote sensing technologies (such as airborne, unmanned aerial vehicles and terrestrial sensors) as surveillance tools to monitor the environment exposes firms,…
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Promoting social and environmental justice to support Indigenous partnerships in urban ecosystem restoration

Urban ecological restoration typically employs western science approaches to restore degraded ecosystems. As yet, few restoration groups acknowledge the history of these degraded urban sites,…
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Kauri Rescue Story Map

The Kauri Rescue Story Map is an interactive experience that tells the story of how scientists have worked with mana whenua and communities in Kauri…
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