We present here the rationale and a method for predicting the trajectory of restoration and assessing its progress toward a predetermined state, the endpoint, using…
A pluralist and cross-cultural approach that accommodates differing values while encouraging the collaboration and social cohesion necessary for the complex task of ecological restoration is…
We show that the burning of beech forests initiates a positive feedback cycle whereby the loss of microclimatic amelioration under the dense forest canopy and…
Ecological networks have a long history in ecology, and a recent increase in network analyses across environmental gradients has revealed important changes in their structure,…
KEY MESSAGES 1. A social-ecological system, which emerges when people interact with the natural environment, can cross a tipping point to a self-reinforcing degraded state,…
Highlights Mauri (life force) and mahinga kai (food provisioning) most frequently assigned values. Mauri associated with the four primary ecosystem service categories. Tuawhenua Māori forest values mostly represented within…
Alien and native richness and cover were shaped by different variables, so managing the ecosystem (e.g. flow regime) to mitigate aliens would not necessarily promote…
For two regions, we address the following questions: 1. What are the major plant species, physiognomic types and functional types characteristic of pyrophytic versus pyrophobic…
The customs and culture of indigenous peoples often reflect a deep knowledge of local biodiversity that leads to ecologically responsible behavior (“Beyond the roots of…
The Bioheritage Challenge and the Adaptive Governance & Policy team (S07) commissioned the Climate Innovation Lab to identify the potential for innovative finance and funding…
We hypothesize that intensified agriculture selects for certain taxa and genes, which then ‘spill over’ into adjacent unmodified areas and generate a halo of genetic…