To restore secondary forests, depauperate remnant forests and create new forests that have complex structure, high biomass, and natural canopy tree diversity, mature-phase canopy and…
In this article, we explore options to enhance native biodiversity conservation within New Zealand pastoral systems. We argue that there is strong synergistic interdependence between…
Native forest on sheep and beef farms is an important resource for supporting onfarm and landscape-level biodiversity conservation, and as a source of carbon sequestration…
Creating new conservation law that more holistically and comprehensively supports hapū and iwi leadership in conservation management should be embraced as a critical step towards…
The customs and culture of indigenous peoples often reflect a deep knowledge of local biodiversity that leads to ecologically responsible behavior (“Beyond the roots of…
The Bioheritage Challenge and the Adaptive Governance & Policy team (S07) commissioned the Climate Innovation Lab to identify the potential for innovative finance and funding…
This Concept Paper identifies unrealised opportunities for increasing investment into projects and activities that preserve, support and expand Aotearoa New Zealand’s unique biological heritage. Redirecting…