Governance & Policy

How do we change our political system to best protect our biological heritage?


Scaling Climate Finance: Biodiversity Instruments

This Concept Paper identifies unrealised opportunities for increasing investment into projects and activities that preserve, support and expand Aotearoa New Zealand’s unique biological heritage. Redirecting…
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How to talk about co-governance of our bioheritage.

A short guide for communicators and advocates of environmental management and policy.
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Opinion: Without the right financial strategies, NZ’s climate change efforts will remain unfinished business

When it comes to climate change, money talks. Climate finance is critical for enabling a low-emissions transition. This involves investment and expenditure — public, private,…
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For a Tika Transition: strengthen rangatiratanga

We examine two prominent environmental issues – sea level rise and taonga species protection – facing iwi, hapū, Māori and the Crown, exploring the barriers,…
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Climate change? Recession? Pollution? There’s a Treaty solution for that

OPINION: The extreme weather events that we have witnessed around the country with increasing frequency, including the recent catastrophic flooding in our biggest city, should be a clear…
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Striving for recognition of Te Tiriti o Waitangi motivates Dr Carwyn Jones

Dr Carwyn Jones’ vision is to see Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the law given equal mana. Carwyn who holds a PhD in law and…
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Future Visions For Te Taiao’ film competition explores ideas on environmental protection

A short film competition is inviting people to look at innovative ways for better environmental outcomes through a Treaty lens. Te Aorewa Rolleston spoke to…
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Co-governance what is it – and what’s driving the debate?

The interpretation and definition of partnership and co-governance under Te Tiriti o Waitangi has been back in the public eye generating claims of division and…
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He Mātai Rangi And Komene With Matamoe

He Mātai i te Taiao

The perpetual examination of the environment
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Bioethics Panel

To achieve the vision of Predator Free New Zealand 2050, researchers need to develop novel tools and technologies for cost-effective, landscape-scale control, eradication and surveillance…
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So7 Edited

Adaptive Governance and Policy

This investment tackles the ways in which governance and policy need to change to better protect te taiao (the environment).
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He Tangata, He Taiao, He Ōhanga

A values-based biosecurity risk assessment framework for Aotearoa.
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