Kaupapa Māori

Research focussed on uplifting Te Ao Māori, led by Māori researchers.

Data Set

‘Pūrākau o te Ngahere’: Indigenous Māori Interpretations, Expressions and Connection to Taonga Species and Biosecurity Issues

The utility of mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledges) in Aotearoa|New Zealand Forest conservation is not particularly visible in research and policy. Indeed, current forest biosecurity processes…
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Te ara o te moa: Patua te ngangara e kai ana i nga rakau taketake o Aotearoa

He taonga tūturu ngā rākau taketake o Aotearoa. Engari, ka matemate haere ētahi o ngā rākau taonga kei te ngahere, nā te ngāngara e kai…
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Walking, Sensing, Knowing: An Ethnography on Foot Around Forest Biosecurity Interventions in Te-Ika-ā-Māui

Walking has gained prominence in social sciences as a source of inspiration for scholarly narratives and methodological experimentation with embodied ways of knowing. Walking across…
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He Taonga Kē Ngā Kaumātua: Kaumātua Perspectives of te Taiao, Ngahere and Taonga Species

Māori cultural beliefs, values and practices are intimately connected to te taiao, the natural environment. While te taiao is of unique cultural significance, contemporary Māori…
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Indigenous Knowledge Revitalisation: Indigenous Māori Gardening and its Wider Implications for the People of Tūhoe

The revitalisation of Indigenous knowledges is vital to the emancipation of Indigenous peoples worldwide, as well as an increasingly essential component of environmental sustainability. The…
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A demographic model to support customary management of a culturally important waterfowl species

Scientific support invited by Indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLC) to assist with customary environmental management can improve conservation and community livelihoods. For example, demographic…
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Hōhā Riha: Pest Insect Control in Māori Tradition. Waka Kuaka

Ongoing Māori connections to natural environments mean that tangata whenua ‘people of the land’ and mātauranga Māori ‘Māori knowledge’ must be key to identifying, designing…
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Napier Pilot City Trust – Unity Day 2022

Skip to 9.31 minutes to hear Dr Carwyn Jones’ introduction and lecture on building social cohesion.
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Poutū-te-rangi 2023 Whāki webinar – Eco-index

An open kōrerorero facilitated by Maui Hudson with Catherine Kirby and Corey Ruha from the Eco-index team. Catherine gives background on the projects mahi for…
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When the Crown controls mātauranga

June 2023   It’s been 11 years since the release of Ko Aotearoa Tēnei – a Waitangi Tribunal report into the Wai 262 claim concerning…
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How to talk about co-governance of our bioheritage

November 2021 – The Adaptive Governance & Policy team aims to ‘break the mould’ and build new systems, policies and capability that will provide much…
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Oranga 2022

Oranga is a suite of kaupapa Māori projects that aim to restore the collective health of trees, forests and people. The team will do this…
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