The ‘Integrated Surveillance’ team is elevating the status of the environment into Aotearoa New Zealand’s biosecurity surveillance system. The environment-centric surveillance framework focuses on ensuring…
We used a deterministic age-structured model of a population of grey-faced petrels (Pterodroma gouldi). By harvesting pre-fledging chicks, rather than adult birds, Māori harvesters had…
Cultural expressions related to the kererū demonstrated the cultural significance of the bird to Tuawhenua that went well beyond the ecological and intrinsic value of the species. The Tuawhenua worldview…
Creating new conservation law that more holistically and comprehensively supports hapū and iwi leadership in conservation management should be embraced as a critical step towards…
A pluralist and cross-cultural approach that accommodates differing values while encouraging the collaboration and social cohesion necessary for the complex task of ecological restoration is…
Highlights Mauri (life force) and mahinga kai (food provisioning) most frequently assigned values. Mauri associated with the four primary ecosystem service categories. Tuawhenua Māori forest values mostly represented within…
The Bioheritage Challenge and the Adaptive Governance & Policy team (S07) commissioned the Climate Innovation Lab to identify the potential for innovative finance and funding…
We gathered Māori perspectives on novel biotechnological controls for pest wasps through three distinct studies. Study participants included tertiary students, businesses, and spiritual or religiously…