Myrtle Ora

Research on the health of our Myrtaceae plants and their forests.


Toi Taiao Whakatairanga: Tukanga: Processes of Navigating the Interface between Art Curation/Research, Forest Ecologies and Māori Perspectives

What processes are involved in navigating the interface between mātauranga Māori/Māori knowledge frameworks, Western arts, and science perspectives when working to raise public awareness of…
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Mobilising for Action: Introduction to the Special Issue

Mobilising for Action (MFA) is a transdisciplinary project consisting of social researchers and community knowledge holders and practitioners, largely situated in Aotearoa|New Zealand, but also…
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Data Set

Positioning Research to Improve Tree-Biosecurity Relations

Management of biosecurity threats to forests and indigenous trees needs to address the legacy of colonising practices that have prohibited diverse knowledges from being included.…
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Methodological sensitivities for co-producing knowledge through enduring trustful partnerships

Indigenous ways of caring for the environment have long been marginalised through research methodologies that are blind to a range of ways of knowing the…
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Data Set

‘Pūrākau o te Ngahere’: Indigenous Māori Interpretations, Expressions and Connection to Taonga Species and Biosecurity Issues

The utility of mātauranga Māori (Māori knowledges) in Aotearoa|New Zealand Forest conservation is not particularly visible in research and policy. Indeed, current forest biosecurity processes…
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Neoliberal Knowledge Production in Aotearoa New Zealand: Confronting Kauri Dieback and Myrtle Rust

The detection of kauri dieback and myrtle rust pathogens in Aotearoa|New Zealand prompted the government to fund research and engagement into what has been constructed…
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Te ara o te moa: Patua te ngangara e kai ana i nga rakau taketake o Aotearoa

He taonga tūturu ngā rākau taketake o Aotearoa. Engari, ka matemate haere ētahi o ngā rākau taonga kei te ngahere, nā te ngāngara e kai…
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Walking, Sensing, Knowing: An Ethnography on Foot Around Forest Biosecurity Interventions in Te-Ika-ā-Māui

Walking has gained prominence in social sciences as a source of inspiration for scholarly narratives and methodological experimentation with embodied ways of knowing. Walking across…
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He Taonga Kē Ngā Kaumātua: Kaumātua Perspectives of te Taiao, Ngahere and Taonga Species

Māori cultural beliefs, values and practices are intimately connected to te taiao, the natural environment. While te taiao is of unique cultural significance, contemporary Māori…
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Indigenous Knowledge Revitalisation: Indigenous Māori Gardening and its Wider Implications for the People of Tūhoe

The revitalisation of Indigenous knowledges is vital to the emancipation of Indigenous peoples worldwide, as well as an increasingly essential component of environmental sustainability. The…
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Seed Storage Physiology of Lophomyrtus and Neomyrtus, Two Threatened Myrtaceae Genera Endemic to New Zealand

There is no published information on the seed germination or seed storage physiology of Lophomyrtus bullata, Lophomyrtus obcordata, and Neomyrtus pedunculata. This lack of information is hampering conservation efforts…
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Tools & Models

Myrtle Rust Science Stocktake

A list of past and current research focussed on biology, impacts and management of myrtle rust is now available. This updated stocktake builds on work…
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