Myrtle Ora

Research on the health of our Myrtaceae plants and their forests.


Austropuccinia psidii, causing myrtle rust, has a gigabase-sized genome shaped by transposable elements

Austropuccinia psidii has a broad host range with more than 480 myrtaceous species. Since first detected in Australia in 2010, the pathogen has caused the near…
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Investment in seed banks could pay off against climate change

Some of New Zealand’s native fauna and flora are critically endangered and there are concerns this country isn’t adequately safeguarding native seeds. Seed banking is…
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Te Whakahononga

In an unprecedented effort to save some of the most immense lifeforms on the planet, the Te Whakahononga programme is fostering a multi-disciplinary collaboration which…
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Control, Protect, Cure

This investment will incorporate research from across Ngā Rākau Taketake, with an emphasis on novel tools and approaches. 
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Host, Pathogen & Environment

Looking at the role environmental factors play on disease expression and severity, pathogen spread and establishment, as well as investigating plant pathogen genomes.
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Risk Assessment & Ecosystem Impacts

Developing standardised measures to quantify the impact both kauri dieback and myrtle rust are having on the wider ecosystem.
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Conservation & Restoration

Ensuring susceptible plant species survive myrtle rust and kauri dieback.
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Integrated Surveillance

A hapū-centric surveillance framework that focuses on the holistic health of the forest.
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Mobilising for Action

Focusing on the human dimensions of forest health management, specifically kauri dieback and myrtle rust.
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Oranga (Wellbeing)

Mātauranga Māori based solutions for kauri dieback and myrtle rust.
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Combating Pathogen Risk Using Genomics

To protect our native and production ecosystems from the invasion of new pathogens, rapid assessments of the potential impact of identified and unidentified pathogens are…
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Whakawātea Riha Rāwaho

Māori solutions to biosecurity threats may be the key to combating the serious fungal disease myrtle rust.
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