Tools & Technology

The latest developments to reverse the decline of our biological heritage.


Experimental high-density trapping of social wasps: target kairomones for workers or gynes for drones?

Social wasps are amongst the most loathed exotic predators in New Zealand, with widespread adverse impacts on native ecosystems and fauna. Sustainable alternatives to pesticides…
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Characterising uncertainty in risk assessments for biological control: using case studies from New Zealand to inform future research

Areas of uncertainty in the assessment of risks and benefits in applications for new biological control agents submitted to the regulator for proposed introduction into…
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Approaches for estimating benefits and costs of interventions in plant biosecurity across invasion phases

Nonnative plant pests cause billions of dollars in damages. It is critical to prevent or reduce these losses by intervening at various stages of the…
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Protected, Restored, Connected

Presentations from Eco-index: 1) John Reid (Ngāti Pikiao, Tainui; JD Reid Ltd) and Penny Payne (University of Waikato) 2) Kevan Cote (Moose Engineering & Design)…
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Introduction to Eco-index (August 2021)

Dr Kiri Joy Wallace and Konny Brown introduce the Eco-index Prgoramme as part of the Te Pūtahi Rangahau Taiao – Environmental Research Institute, University of…
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State-Of-The-Art Surveillance webinar

December 2021 – Surveillance is an essential part of protecting New Zealand’s economic assets and natural taonga from damaging exotic organisms. To strengthen our biosecurity system,…
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A matter of trust: perceptions of the value of risk assessment

September 2022 – There are dozens of published pest risk assessments and pest risk assessment frameworks, but only a fraction of those published are actually…
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Guiding biodiversity efforts using a remote sensing and machine learning approach

October 2022 – The Eco-index team are developing novel remote sensing technology for understanding and guiding biodiversity enhancement efforts across Aotearoa New Zealand. Our goal…
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Control, Protect, Cure 2022

The ‘Control, Protect, Cure’ team have been using an extensive outreach process to develop and socialise new technologies, assess important values and concerns, and ensure…
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Scientists choose cryopreservation to store plant material for decades

Some of New Zealand’s native plants are undergoing cryopreservation freezing as scientists explore conservation techniques that could protect at-risk species for future generations. RNZ spoke…
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Trans-Tasman collaboration unlocks genetic secrets behind myrtle rust

In a trans-Tasman collaboration, scientists have sequenced the genome of Austropuccinia psidii, the fungus responsible for the disease myrtle rust, and produced the world’s largest assembled…
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‘Instruction manual’ to kauri dieback pathogen uncovered

In a world first, researchers have decoded the genome of the pathogen that causes kauri dieback. RNZ spoke to Nari Williams (Plant & Food Research).
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