Active Research
Science Challenge
Ngā Rākau Taketake
Completed Research
The BioHeritage Challenge co-ordinates research mahi tahi (collaborations) in a number of topics.
Once pests have become established, how can we best control or eradicate them?
Research focussed on keeping potentially destructive species out of Aotearoa.
Taking a holistic look at environmental research.
How do we best enable local communities to protect their whenua?
How do we change our political system to best protect our biological heritage?
Research focussed on uplifting Te Ao Māori, led by Māori researchers.
Research on the health of kauri trees and their forests.
Research on the health of our Myrtaceae plants and their forests.
Ensuring our next generation career professionals have all the support they need to flourish in their chosen careers.
The latest developments to reverse the decline of our biological heritage.
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